Disable Comments For WordPress Posts And Pages

Many Ways to Disable Comments for WordPress Posts and Pages

Whenever you add a new page or the post, the comment box gets enabled by default so that your readers can share their views. Do you want to disable comments for WordPress posts and pages?

If you create many pages and below each page, you see the comment box. It wouldn’t be a good impression to anyone.

Though many people even turn off comments for the posts too. It’s because people are really fed up of the spam blog comments.

In this article, you will learn different ways to disable to disable comments for WordPress posts and pages.

Use WordPress Settings to Turn off Comments

WordPress comes up with many settings but most of the users don’t really have an idea.

You would be happy to know that you can turn off the comments be going to Settings>>Discussion and in front of “Default Article Settings”, you will see a few options.

You will see the checkboxes to allow people to comment on the articles and the pings and trackbacks too.

You just need to uncheck these two checkboxes if enabled.

Save the settings and you’re done. Whenever you publish any new post, your readers wouldn’t be able to drop any comment.

Using Post Editor to Disable Comments for WordPress Posts and Pages

Whether you write a post or create a new page, you can see the WordPress post editor which consists many options to use.

Apart from the visible part, there are some hidden options too.

Here you want to turn off the comments. To do that, you have to click on the “Screen options” button shown at the top-right position of the screen.

A drop down menu with many options will appear.

You have to check the box beside “Discussion”. For an instant, you may be wondering what has happened due to this.

Well, you will come to know when you scroll down below the post editor.

There will be a discussion meta box consisting the same two options you saw in the previous method.

Uncheck both the boxes and you’re good to go. This method is good for an individual post or page.

Turning off Comments for Multiple Posts or Pages

Not everyone wants to disable comments for single post or page, people may want to do it for multiple.

To do that, you can go to posts or pages and check them accordingly. Choose those for which, you want to turn off comments.

You have to take the bulk action. Choose the “edit” option and use the “Apply” button.

It will show the list with a few options for changing an author, comments settings and more. Using it, you can also change the author name in WordPress post.

To disable comments, click on the link showing beside “comments” and choose “Do not allow” option.

Save the settings and you’re done. For all the posts and pages you have selected, the comments have been disabled.

People will no longer able to drop spam comments.

Using a Plugin to Disable Comments for WordPress Posts and Pages

How can you forget about the use of a WordPress plugin? There is a plugin which can help you disable comments for WordPress posts and pages.

Just install and activate Disable Comments plugin.

Go to Settings>>Delete comments and the plugin setting configuration page will appear to you.

You can choose whether you want to turn off comments for posts, pages, media or for everything. Don’t forget that it’s a decision to be taken carefully.

Save the settings and it’s done.

You would be happy to know that the plugin allows you to delete all the previous comments too. Though it’s not recommended but if you want, you can.

I hope this article was helpful. If you still have any doubt, feel free to clear it.

You can also connect with us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hello Ravi,

    Comment is a good feature in WordPress. It helps you engage through your reader(sites visitor). However, some opt to just disable it due to inconvenience made by spammers.

    I don’t often use a plugin for disabling comment rather have it configured in the discussion settings. However, if you already have comments in place prior to configuring it, it will not work. You have to work on it. This setting only works for future posts/pages.

    Thank you.


    1. Hey Rodney,

      You’re right. The settings will work for the future posts. That’s why I have mentioned the plugin to remove all the previous comments if you want. And there is another post in my draft folder which will let people know how to completely remove the comment box. Though it will require some coding skills but still, people will have all the options.


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